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发布时间:2024-09-24 07:45人气:
本文摘要:A radar image of Mercury’s North Polar Region acquired by the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico is shown superposed on a mosaic of Mercury MESSENGER images of the same area in this NASA handout photo released Nov 29, 2012. Yellow areas denote regions of high radar reflectivity.图释:以上是由波多黎各的阿雷西博天文台搜集的一张水星北部极地地区的雷达图片。

A radar image of Mercury’s North Polar Region acquired by the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico is shown superposed on a mosaic of Mercury MESSENGER images of the same area in this NASA handout photo released Nov 29, 2012. Yellow areas denote regions of high radar reflectivity.图释:以上是由波多黎各的阿雷西博天文台搜集的一张水星北部极地地区的雷达图片。它与2012年11月29日美国宇航局公布的一张信使号太空船在同一地区搜集的特了马赛克的资料图片体现的信息反复了。

黄色区域回应雷达低反射率地区。(China Daily) Despite searing daytime temperatures, Mercury, the planet closest to the sun, has ice and frozen organic materials inside permanently shadowed craters in its north pole, NASA scientists said on Thursday.(中国日报)美国宇航局科学家周四回应,离太阳最近的星球水星,尽管有炙热的日间温度,但是在它的北极的永久阴影区的陨石坑中有冰和凝结的有机物质。

Earth-based telescopes have been compiling evidence for ice on Mercury for 20 years, but the finding of organics was a surprise, say researchers with NASA’s MESSENGER spacecraft, the first probe to orbit Mercury.第一个观测水星轨道的是美国宇航局的信使号太空飞船,它的研究人员回应,地面望远镜早已花上了20年的时间搜集证据指出水星下有冰,但是找到有机物显然是个车祸。Both ice and organic materials, which are similar to tar or coal, were believed to have been delivered millions of years ago by comets and asteroids crashing into the planet.冰和有机物质,类似于柏油和煤炭,被指出是百万年前由彗星和小行星与水星撞击时产生的。



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